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New App! Latitude and Longitude

  Kotlin code on GitHub: Get the app on Google Play: -Uses Google's location API to display Latitude and Longitude coordinates -Coordinates make take a minute or two to update when refreshing -Available in 100 languages

Progress Bars - updating 1% at a time

I'm working on an app that shows time progress bars. I wanted the minute progress bar in this app to tick up 1% at a time. I knew that with 60000 milliseconds in a minute, this meant that updating the progress bar every 600 milliseconds should do the trick. My calculations weren't originally precise enough, however, and you can see that before the progress bar would skip 1-3% instead of 1% at a time. This was because I was doing calculations with seconds as an Int. After I switched to doing my division with Longs instead of Integers it worked great! Code on GitHub:

Video: Volume Button Counter App Preview

Java code on GitHub: Available on Google Play: -Use volume buttons to count up and down -Can reset to any number you choose -Available in 100 languages

Video: Change Calculator App Preview

Java code available on GitHub: Available on Google Play: -Quick number entry -Shows amount of bills and coins -Available in 100 languages

Video: Scorekeeper App Preview

I receive a lot of reviews of scorekeeper asking for the ability to edit the names of players, which is a feature already available through long-pressing on the player name. Apparently, long-pressing is not something intuitive to try for some people, so they are left without the ability to change the player name. I hope this video preview helps make it easier for users to understand how the app works and how to get to additional features already available to them.

50k Downloads of Scorekeeper!

I released Scorekeeper, my first app, on the Google Play Store three years ago. It recently reached 50,000 downloads! I'm excited something I made could be useful to so many people and hope I can keep making more and better apps going forward.

Recursive Fibonacci Rabbits with Python

Let's say we have some magical rabbits. These rabbits never die. A pair of rabbits has 3 more pairs of rabbits in every litter, and they start producing litters after one generation. If you start with one pair of rabbits, how many rabbits will you have in 5 generations? This was the premise of a problem I was working on this week in Python (check out the full problem here: ). I had to draw it out on my white board to wrap my head around it: The idea behind this problem is that finding the number of rabbits in a given generation is similar to calculating a given number in the Fibonacci sequence and that it can be solved recursively, so that's how I did it. Recursive rabbit solution: It doesn't really have to be done recursively, though. I was talking through it with Steven, and we realized that the manual approach I had used on the whiteboard was also fairly efficient. Turns out it can be implemented in fewer lines of cod...