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Showing posts with the label SQLite in Android

Video: Scorekeeper App Preview

I receive a lot of reviews of scorekeeper asking for the ability to edit the names of players, which is a feature already available through long-pressing on the player name. Apparently, long-pressing is not something intuitive to try for some people, so they are left without the ability to change the player name. I hope this video preview helps make it easier for users to understand how the app works and how to get to additional features already available to them.

Tutorial: Using SQLite with Android - Simple Scorekeeper Example

This is a quick tour of how the SQLite database in my simple scorekeeper app is set up. Here's a link to my scorekeeper app code on GitHub if you want to follow along: If you want more information on Data Storage and Android, check out this class at Udacity: The scorekeeper app is on the play store (in beta still right now): A link to the screen recording software I used: