
Udacity Android Basics Nanodegree - Final Project

I'm finishing up the last project of the Udacity Android Basics Nanodegree this week! I completed a challenge course for the Grow with Google scholarship earlier this year and started on the nanodegree a few months ago.  I've worked on over 30 little app projects and I'm starting to understand Java a lot better.

New Video - Android: Getting Latitude and Longitude

Link to video: This simple app displays the latitude and longitude coordinates of the phone using Google's location services API and the getLastLocation() function as of June 2018. The code is on GitHub: I was following along with Udacity's location class when I came across a deprecated method. Since Udacity doesn't have an updated video for it yet, I decided I'd try making one.  Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to do this better. Link to the Udacity class, Google Location Services on Android: Here's a training doc on location from the google dev website: And here's the Google APIs for Android, LocationServices page on the google developer website for more information:

App Release: Change Calculator

See the app code on GitHub

New Video - Updating Formatting of Change Calculator Android App

This video shows how I put the finishing touches on my Change Calculator Android app (which will be on Google Play for download soon!). Example of using string.xml, style.xml and color.xml files in an Android app.   Websites from the video: Link to Change Calculator code: Edit: link to the app on Google Play -

App Release: Scorekeeper

Scorekeeper for Android is done with beta testing and available on Google Play! Check it out: The code is also on GitHub:

App Update: Scorekeeper 2.0 - Quick Change Buttons

Updated my scorekeeper app to include blue quick change buttons. Check it out. Code changes on GitHub: For Android on Google Play:

Admiral Grace Hopper: Computing Pioneer

Admiral Grace Hopper joined the Navy in her 30s and became one of the pioneers of computing. In the early 1950s, a time when people thought computers could only do arithmetic, she built a compiler (a program that can turn the code humans write into something the machine can understand). By the 1960s she had written the language COBOL. This is a video of her giving a nano stick to David Letterman. A nano stick was a piece of wire that represented the distance light could travel in a nanosecond. Seems like she was pretty cool. It's a fun interview.