
Reversible Beanie! Easy 48-pin Knitting Machine Pattern

Easy, 100-row, reversible beanie! I'm using acrylic yarn, a combination of Michael's craftsmart yarn and RedHeart, and a 48-pin knitting machine. Pattern:  20 rows black 2 orange  2 black 2 light gray 2 black 2 dark gray 40 black 2 dark gray 2 black 2 light gray 2 black  2 turquoise 20 black

App Stats: Time Progress Bars - 2022

Time for some app stats! Time Progress Bars app was released on the Google Play Store in October 2020. Total downloads - 3007 Active downloads - 905 2022 revenue - $31.64 My share of 2022 revenue - $25.31 Total revenue - $54.71 My share of total revenue - $34.23 Revenue is from an in-app purchase that lets users change the color scheme and an in-app donation purchase.

New release! Days Until with Widget!

  Countdown the days until the date and time you choose!  Simple design, no ads, no permissions. Small download size. Available in 100+ languages! Days Until with Widget on Google Play:

Change Calculator Upgrade Version 2.0 is now released on Google Play!

  I made the original app while cashiering at Walmart (I took free Android classes through I have heard from many people with math disabilities who say it has really helped! This update is to add $100, $50, and $2 for the Canadians out there. Enjoy! Upgrade: Original: -Quick change entry -Checkboxes for bills and coins in the upgrade version -Available in 100+ languages -Now includes more bill types! -Both versions are ad-free and small download size -Original version is open source and available on GitHub:

New Release! Scorekeeper Upgrade

  I'm excited to release an upgrade version for my most popular app: Scorekeeper! Download now from Google Play: Upgrade Version Features: -Easy one-screen interface -Quick to set up with one tap to add a player -One tap to edit score or change player name -Dark mode matches system settings 🕶️ -Screen stays on (option to turn off in settings) -Available in 100+ languages Try the original app for free: